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Korespondencyjna wyszukiwanie Wyniki : 8569

Mio / 20 / Mężczyzna
Hello! I'm Mio and 20 years old. I'm Japanese male. I'm a student. I want to learn English. I write a computer program There is a time to be in trouble. I solve it in English site because I want to be able to
yumi / 45 / Kobieta
はじめまして^^ 外国の友達を作りたくて 投稿しました\(^ω^)/ 英語が苦手で、日本語を 話せる外国の人だと嬉しいです。 英語など、教えてもらえたら 有難いです〜^^ よろしくお願いします^^
Diene / 25 / Mężczyzna
I am studying english at university and i really wouldlike Simone with whom i coule practice everytime
kahee Lee / 16 / Kobieta
Korea Południowa
Hi i'm korea girl😁 plz come up to me!!😙😙
Hikaru / 22 / Mężczyzna
Hi!! Nice to meet you!! I'm Hikaru. I'm Japanese and live in Osaka!! I'm interested in foreign cultures,so I want foreigner friends that talk culture each other!! And I'm studying English and Italian! So I hope my langu
Sierra / 19 / Mężczyzna
welcome to my profile!  I wanna make a flends. and keep up the conversation long period  and intersted in foreign culture.  I’d like to imprve my English more.  feel free to send me a masege.  And i hope  talk anyon
Lidya Fransisca / 17 / Kobieta
Hii, my name is Lidya. i'm 17 and i'm indonesian. i want to make some friends and improved my foreign language. so let's be friends!
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