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Let's make world friends! Free global Pen-pal website, since 2009

: 8565

정은 / 15 /
こんにちは, Hello! はじめまして! 私はジョンウンです. 私は日本の文化を本当に好きで日本語を習っています. 日本語習うのを手伝ってください.どうぞ宜しくおねがいします! そして, ラインを使用しています. きらくに連絡ください。 Hi i’m Jeonguen from South Korea, I can speak English and little Chinese and Japanese. So if yo
Nori / 29 /
My name is Nori. I live in Tokyo, Japan. I am studying English because I want foreign friends. People who like Japan and those who want to learn Japanese, let's make friends with me! Please feel free to email me without
Minami / 19 /
Hello, I'm Minami. I live in Japan. I'm interested in foreign culture. I want to talk many foreigner. Thank you for watching my profile.
Yun / 23 /
はじめまして,私は95lineの韓国人の女子です 日本語の勉強中です 年が近い日本人の方と友達になりたいです すぐ連絡切れる人と変態は断ります Line:am66345 よかったら仲良くしましょ
ウォン / 18 /
Daniel / 23 /
Hi everyone! I wish to eventually have good friends I can count on to keep lifelong contact with. I live in Houston in America and I'm still single. Trying to open up to others is my attempt to get out of my shell.
뎁비 / 18 /
안녕하세요 I'm Devi. I will reply to your message :)
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