Hello. My name is miho. I'm 23 and live in tokyo in Japan. I want friends who speak English etc... but i'm studing English now. Please tell me the English I'd be happy if I could make friends my hobby i
Muhammed ulaş / 13 /
My name is Muhammed Ulaş I'm living Turkey I thought it would be good to get a letter I'm looking for simeone between the arges of 13-15 I do not have many friends in school but they are good for me ı love them T
Nshekanabo / 28 /
Am Ugandan and am here to meet new people and hopefully make great friends.feel free to contact me.
Tang / 18 /
Hi,I'm Tang.I'm a 18-year-old high school student in Taiwan,and hoping that I could make some friends here.
이주완 / 16 /
日本が好きな16アル高校1年生です。 日本語も文化も知りたくて登録しました。
enes / 21 /
Hi, my name is Enes! I am student. I am dreamers, impulsive and nice. I want languages exchange or just some foreign friends! I've whatsapp, If you want my number ask me ^^ I want new friends or other...
Hiroshi Suga / 48 /
初めまして 男女年齢問わず友達を探しています。 趣味はスポーツ観戦特に野球、ラグビー、読書特に歴史、漫画 音楽鑑賞、結構何でも聞きます特に洋楽が好きです最近ブルース聞き始めました。独身です Hi there My name is Hiroshi I was born and grew up in Japan. Iam living in Osaka. I am looking for friends regardless