펜팔 펜팔 넷 - 세계친구들과 언어교환, 문화교류
이름 : ImranE-mail : 성별 : 남희망 펜팔 상대 : 남/여나이 : 52국적 : 영국주소 : 11k New City Road교환하고 싶은 물건 : Nothing!언어 교환 : 언어 교환취미 : Sport, Music, Cinema, Shopping, Travel, Cooking.언어 : 영어Hi,

52 years of age man from Scotland employed in telecommunications seeking to meet new people. A clean living and happy man who is single, unmarried and childless. You should be 30 years onward preferably single and definitely heterosexual. I only want to communicate with people who have lots to say and discuss. Too often people have nothing to say consequently a connection can not be established. It is necessary to have good English speaking standards as well. I am not interested in swapping stamps, postcards or anything like that, whatsoever. Only seeking online not postal friends.                                                  

펜팔 검색 결과 : 8549

sachi / 43 /
海外の方との交流出来たらと思い、ペンパル希望してます よろしくお願いします
Dominic / 53 /
I'm leaving my wall empty, feel free to ask your reclusive Hungarian anything
Walker / 55 /
I am here to make new friends I am down to earth I like cooking and swimming I like traveling to different places and countries
翔大 / 29 /
ビデオ通話とかできる人探してます I'm looking for someone to video call with
asmaa / 16 /
I'm asmaa l love the foot ball
Lex / 28 /
I want to meet new people, I communicate on any topic, write to me without hesitation.
Imran / 52 /
Hi, 52 years of age man from Scotland employed in telecommunications seeking to meet new people. A clean living and happy man who is single, unmarried and childless. You should be 30 years onward preferably single and
Please select your language